As the only PharmD school in California to provide a free immersive CPJE test preparation to its graduates and one of the few schools in California with a three year accelerated program, 太平洋药学博士将为您未来的药学事业打开大门.
太平洋制药公司最近推出了一个暑期沉浸式项目, 成功秘诀, 旨在为其药学毕业生准备执照考试. Pacific graduates who participated in this program passed at an average of 83 percent — higher than any other university in California.
的 PharmD程序 在托马斯J酒店. 龙药学院 allows you to become a pharmacist through our accelerated three-year program with or without a bachelor’s degree.
If you’re ready to start building toward a successful career in pharmacy, review our admission requirements and learn why you should apply to the PharmD degree program!
2024-25学年药学博士招生周期将于2024年7月11日开始. Applicants may start and submit the application as soon as it is available.
我们提供一个让你茁壮成长的环境. Our faculty and staff are committed to your growth — academically, personally and professionally.
Attend an event to get all your questions regarding our PharmD admission requirements or the application process answered.
托马斯·J. 龙药学院 uses the 药店 College Application Service (PharmCAS) for prospective students to submit their PharmD application. 通过PharmCAS, applicants complete an initial PharmCAS application along with a supplemental application for the School.
获得进入药学博士项目的资格, you must hold a minimum of 68 semester units of college-level coursework, 包括下面列出的所有要求. 所有的需求 必须完成、进行中还是计划中 申请覆核前.
完成药学博士申请后, 正规博彩十大网站 will perform an evaluation of your coursework and identify any missing prerequisites. 如果缺少任何课程作业, you will be notified and asked to provide any missing coursework to your schedule.
To ensure that all requirements have been met, it is to your advantage to apply early.
Applicants who have completed or have a plan in place to complete all of the prerequisites prior to entering our program are eligible to apply. Online coursework is not acceptable for science requirements or public speaking.
注:由于COVID-19, we are accepting online courses for all prerequisites completed during spring 2020 through fall 2022. Courses must be completed with a letter grade, as pass/no pass or credit/no credit is not acceptable.
You have through the summer prior to entrance to complete your prerequisites, 除了有机化学. We must have a grade for the first semester of organic chemistry no later than the fall semester prior to the year you are applying.
It is recommended that all science requirements be completed at a four-year institution. 查看我们的 可转让的课程 以确定您是否符合要求.
你必须书面通知我们你日程安排的一切变动, 包括与药房先决条件无关的更改, 通过 计划课程表格. You must also notify us immediately if you will not receive a bachelor’s degree as anticipated.
正规博彩十大网站的必修课程是没有期限的. 药学博士项目, the School reserves the right to ask a student to enroll in refresher courses in organic chemistry and biology after reviewing the applicant's academic transcripts. Such requests are typically made if it has been longer than seven years since completion of the prerequisite coursework. 请与招生办公室联系 pharmdadmission@pyad.net 了解更多信息.
药学博士项目考虑的最低累积GPA是2.70. Students who have lower than the minimum cumulative GPA can be considered under extenuating circumstances. 请与药房招生办公室联系,电话 pharmdadmission@pyad.net 了解更多信息.
Applicants must send PharmCAS one official transcript from every accredited school attended within the United States. 发送到目前为止所有完成的课程,如果有的话. If not, summer session and fall grades should be updated through PharmCAS after grades are posted. Do not wait to apply or neglect to send what is available due to summer session enrollment.
你还必须寄一份美国大学的正式成绩单.S. schools that are not regionally accredited (vocational, technical, or language schools) to Pacific.
NOTE: You should send transcripts and evaluations as soon as you begin your application to avoid delays.
如果你在美国以外的地方学习过, you must send PharmCAS an official copy of the World Educational Services International Credential Advantage Package. 要订购,请到 韦斯.org. 通过美国大学的留学项目学习的课程.S. 机构获豁免.
如果你在军队里完成了课程, you must send an official copy of the ACE transcript and DD214 form directly to Pacific.
托马斯·J. 龙药学院 only requires test scores if you use an exam to fulfill a prerequisite. Please be sure to report your scores in the supplemental application section on the PharmCAS site. If admitted, you will be required to send an official copy of the score report at that time.
你的AP成绩肯定是4或5分,或者5分, 在更高级别的IB考试6或7,以满足先决条件. 我们不接受生物或化学的考试成绩.
如果英语不是你的第一语言, 您可能需要提交适当的托福或雅思考试. 然而,在美国生活过的学生.S. 工作了六年多,并获得了美国大学学位.S. 学士学位自动豁免.
了解为什么我们的药学博士学生选择托马斯J. 为他们的教育做准备. Listen to our students’ experience at the School as they share the type of pharmacist they hope to become.
Pacific PharmD graduates have consistently had a higher first-time pass rate for the NAPLEX exam than the national average. 我们还提供首创的服务, 沉浸式三周住宿CPJE和NAPLEX预备课程!
自2007年以来, 太平洋医疗保险D部分外展诊所已经帮助了近10人,500个病人有他们的医疗保险D部分药物计划, 帮助病人节省了大约10美元.1200万年.
通过学生主导的外展项目, 你直接与病人互动, 为我们社区的成员提供重要的医疗保健服务.
研究涵盖了广泛的主题, 包括给药, 药物设计, 精神健康和病人护理, our faculty members are constantly using re搜索 to challenge the status quo of patient care and education. 在正规博彩十大网站, you have the opportunity to work alongside award-winning faculty members who are leading the forefront of cutting-edge re搜索.
Three National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants are currently underway at 正规博彩十大网站. 了解我们如何做出改变:
209.946.3957 | pharmacyrecruiting@pyad.net
209.932.3600 | pharmdadmission@pyad.net
从临床药房到独立药房所有权, 我们的毕业生引领着成功的健康事业. 迈出下一步 toward a fulfilling vocation by submitting your application to the doctor of pharmacy degree program today.